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Photo - Shelley Banks
My herbs have always done well and the thyme, oregano, tarragon and chives come back faithfully each year and from time to time my sage makes it but usually I have to but a new plant in the spring.. I never manage to winter over the rosemary no matter how carefully I try to pot the plant and bring it in.
I have done well with annuals like basil, cilantro, dill, fennel, arugula and sage but vegetables and I don't have a very successful relationship. My soil is just too much like clay to make any root vegetable happy.
My tomatoes either don't ripen or they get blight, my potatoes got a kind of fungus and the cabbage white butterfly just chews the hell out of anything that resembles, or even rhymes with any plant in the cabbage family.
So, this year I planted lots of onions, some leeks and tried carrots once again. They are normally stunted and deformed but this year we got a nice crop of bright orange carrots and even if they are a bit stubby. We are happy about it.
So, in October I'm going to put in some garlic for next year, I'll try mixing in even more peat and sand to try once again to make that soil a bit easier to work and hopefully in the spring I'll find that right combination of crops to keep us fed and happy next summer.
My mother and sister both have had good success with tomatoes in pots, rather than planting them directly in the garden. That way you can position them for sunlight, and bring them inside temporarily in September if there's an early frost which extends the ripening opportunities!