
Fake Kenyan Birth Certificate

Canadian politics can be dull and since the coalition attempt nothing much has happened to liven things up at all. (It may be some time before I forgive Michaelle Jean for that one) Truth be known, Stephen Harper, our Prime Monster must be one of the most boring people on the face of the earth. As classic example of why a policy nerd should never lead a political party.

Now in the USA things seem to be different. Those people get worked up over almost everything and the yellow press can make a story over nothing at all. I have been intrigued by this recent flap about where Obama was born. Fox news and others are apparently looking for a Kenyan birth certificate to try and undermine the President's claim that he was indeed born in the USA.

I discovered that in the spirit of this discussion you can generate a fake Kenyan birth certificate, on line, just like mine above. You can click on the image to enlarge it and to see a clearer image.

I encourage you to get your own as a reminder of the stupidity of the American media. Be the first one on your block to have one.

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