
Leaders of Industry at the Trough

I thought one of the most interesting year end reports was in the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) analysis that shows that, by 9:04 AM January 2, the first day of work in this New Year, Canada's top 100 CEOs earned as much as an average Canadian wage earner will make in a year, $40,237. They note that the CEO's made that much money in less time than it took for the average worker to boot up his/her computer.

This in a year where these leaders of industry have to shoulder the brunt the responsibility for their mismanagement of the global economy. I wonder how many of these bandits are advising our illustrious government about what direction they should take with the economy.

And we thought hockey players made a lot. Remember when greed was a bad thing.

You can find the report on the CCPA website

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